🐕 3 GOLDEN NUGGETS FRIDAY 🐕 - Austin's Favorite Tactical Insight For Fast Growing Pet Brands.

#1 🐕

Use new hooks and stories on different topics to attract new audiences to your product.

This is best used for scaling big budgets or finding product market fit.

#2 🐕

Use this creative vacuum framework.

#2.5 🐕 🐕 Sponsor S/O: Follow me on LinkedIn

Free Pet Brand Insights Posted Here

#3 🐕

Here's an inside look of a Pet Store coming close to $500k/mo.

Unit Economics of a Winning Pet Brand.

$61.91 (AOV) x 5.74% (CVR) = $355.36

The Most successful DTC brands I see are above $250.

Converting traffic for lots of money is what we want.

Here are 9 tips that contribute to their success for free:

  • 3,000+ Reviews on Trustpilot.

  • Product labeling mentions exactly what product solves. Example: Hip + Joint

  • Branding is clean and professional

  • Free Shipping over $39

  • In depth FAQ section

  • Product and messaging solve 1 specific problem. Example: This is the #1 best product for Hip + Joint.

  • Branding on Instagram is 10/10. (People will bounce off ads to verify if you are "legit" on IG)

  • 40 Day Money Back Guarantee

  • In depth blogs that are actually useful.

Those are my favorites. Which one did you like best?


p.s. forward this to your friends in the dog industry so they can get a few of these golden nuggets!

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p.s.s [sell more pet products with fresh creative] 
pet creative