Book A Call To See How Our System Is Tripling Online Sales For Pet Brands

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Case Study: $1M Pet Brand

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67% of online pet brands are painfully letting Amazon and Chewy steer their ship and eat into their margins (this may be you!). Even worse, pet brands don't get to see their customer data (assets) and are subject to strict policy changes every handful of months. DogConnectors takes back a piece of the puzzle. Turn your window shoppers to paying customers with our help. Delegate growth to our expert team so you can own your customer data. Our monastic focus on the pet industry give us key insight to resonate with dog moms better than our own mother. See how we're operating some of the most recession proof, cash-flow businesses for our clients.

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  • How micro-pet niches are taking big dollars away from big corp pet brands like PetSmart and Petco.
  • ​Where to 'plug the holes' on your website before you drive traffic.
  • How DTC Pet Brands are realistically adding $10M to their bottom line.


Obsessive focus on the pet industry. After working with 6, 7, and 8 figure pet brands we have a database of what IS and IS NOT working right now for pet brands that want to hedge risk from Amazon, Chewy, Faire and Retail.







What We Offer


Pet Brands, just Pet Brands.

We do it with an unwavering focus and are better than anyone else.

If you want a pet specific agency where with two clicks, you can get a clear breakdown of how much was spent, how much was made & what your net profit was - we’re for you.

This is what we do, and we only deliver results we'd be happy with for our own business. We look for a very specific type of client. We only work with pet companies...

Companies That Trust Us

Schedule Your Call

Free Strategy Call

We will look at your goals to see if we can help or not. You will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take for your business to start generating consistent and reliable results online with our marketing system specifically for pet brands.

Find a time on our calendar to schedule your call today and we look forward to speaking to you soon!


  • ​How micro-pet niches are taking big dollars away from big corp. pet brands like PetSmart and Petco.
  • ​Where to 'plug the holes' on your website before you drive traffic.
  • How DTC Pet Brands are realistically adding $10M to their bottom line.


$500k+ in 30 Days

Backstory on this Client:

748% Growth For This Multi 7-Figure Pet Brand. This client is quickly becoming the industry leader with a high-ticket pet product. Prior to working with us, they did not have a team that could make decisions based on data. We got crystal clear on their profit targets and installed our pet brand marketing system into his business handling, content, media buying, website CRO, and email marketing. Now, he has a predictable way to get new customers at a healthy profit and the main constraint is inventory.

Let's Chat

Backstory on this Client:

Pumping $5k/Day In Ad Spend For This 8-Figure Brand Owner. This client has seen the advertising industry for what it is. The old agency model is dead. Just media buying is not enough. You need a team that can solve full funnel issues. Bring new and innovative ideas to the table to maximize profit, cashflow, and growth. Even if that challenges the normal. In this video, you'll see how we're different than most of the advertising industry.

Backstory on this Client:

Trial And Error To Profitable Growth In Less Than 30 Days With Expert Team. This client had been struggling to find product market fit on Shopify for over a year. She had a great product but just needed to advertise it in the right way. We quickly were able to hit record sales for her brand. More importantly give here a predictable system to acquire new customers profitably. This gave her whole team a bunch of peace of mind because it can be scary investing in a marketing team as a bootstrapped company. The results finally paid off although her results happened rather quickly which is not typical. Our average client sees an ROI in 3-6 months.

Backstory on this Client:

Fixing Sales And Profitability For This 8-Figure Pet Brand. This client already had strong foundations since its start in 1985. We installed our new pet brand marketing system to bring new customers and improve marketing efficiency at the same time. This company has a product that can be hard to sell online. Pet parents often have concerns or doubts around the price and if they really need it. We used our unique system which handles objections upfront so pet parents are more likely to buy. This immediately will lower the amount of people that just bounce off your website. The result was more sales at a good profit.

By helping these pet business owners achieve their dreams (and more), we pride ourselves on being the #1 growth partner for online pet brands.

Our 3 pillar process breaks down successful pet brands into a science to guarantee profitable growth for pet brands we take on as a client (we won't take you on if we don't think we can help).

We're faster than an in-house team, with better results too.

Ready to become the next success story?
Let’s Work Together.

  • How micro-pet niches are taking big dollars away from big corp. pet brands like PetSmart and Petco.
  • ​Where to 'plug the holes' on your website before you drive traffic.
  • How DTC Pet Brands are realistically adding $10M to their bottom line.


**Every Friday from our obsessive dtc pet nerds. Unsubscribe anytime.

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