Objection Prevention, Switch The Language Of Your Ads From Pleasure To Pain, Volume

Austin @ DogConnectors

#1 🐕

If Supply can charge $59 for a razor...you can raise your prices.

Using "Objection Prevention" in our ads are crushing it.

List out all the reasons on why someone would NOT buy from you.

Now handle those objections directly upfront in your ad creative so you can make more sales.

Some website issues are really lack of objection prevention in your creative.

#2 🐕

People run away from pain more than towards pleasure.

It is fact.

I found switching the language of your ads from pleasure to pain can help solve why your pet store is stuck.

#2.5 🐕 🐕 Sponsor S/O: DogConnectors

Let's say you’re a pet brand and need new customers for your DTC Shopify store.

You either:

a) Do it all by yourself working 56 hours/week.
b) Spin your wheels working with general marketing agencies that struggle to resonate with crazy pet parents.

But what if you had Pet Expert Growth Marketers plug in their system to spit out consistent new customers for your business?

DogConnectors they turn window shoppers into paying customers for pet brands. Schedule a 1:1 to get a free audit of your business.

Warning: Must at least have 1,001+ units of inventory to work with DogConnectors.

#3 🐕

VOLUME! Try not to overthink your emails this year :)

We're fine we're fineee.

Those are my favorites. Which one did you like best?


p.s. forward this to your friends in the dog industry so they can get a few of these golden nuggets!

If this was forwarded to you - you can subscribe here –> www.dogconnectors.com/blog

p.s.s [sell more pet products with fresh creative] pet creative


**Every Friday from our obsessive dtc pet nerds. Unsubscribe anytime.

Schedule Your Call With Tim

Free 15-Minute Chat

We will look at your goals to see if we can help or not. You will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take for your business to start generating consistent and reliable results online with Conversion Optimization & Paid Advertising.

Meant to learn more about your business, not a sales pitch.

Find a time on Tim's calendar to schedule your call today and we look forward to speaking to you soon!


  • ​How micro-pet niches are taking big dollars away from big corp. pet brands like PetSmart and Petco.
  • ​Where to 'plug the holes' on your website before you drive traffic.
  • How DTC Pet Brands are realistically adding $10M to their bottom line.